Simple Powerful Gratitude

2 min readDec 14, 2021


And so we can continue the thread from earlier:

Carrying forth the essence of time is the same as a ball and chain

So, to speak

Just for one moment imagine the free clear space

Of no time

What would this look like

For you

For your realm

Others as dog or lion

Tree or bird

For they exist in the freedom of no time

No construct they’ve bought into

The popular notion of a common shared belief

Time is an excellent example to open doors for inquiry into others

Consider your placement in your realm

Culture tradition are all shared beliefs

You keep them in common

Forged into your own perceptions from birth

Like language

Tools to understand and share

However, some have created patterns in your on energy that bear examination

You may ultimately choose to keep these

Discard some

Adopt others

The element of this is choice

You an choose which to participate in

And not

Consider your always late but beloved friend

They march to their own clock

“GRATITUDE…this is YOU.”

— B A H L O N



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